Time series of the exchange calculated with CarbonTracker Europe aggregated over specific ecoregions. The title reflects aggregates (denoted by the regions in brackets) areas defined in the documentation and are shown on this map. The boxes show the annual balance of biospheric and oceanic carbon exchange, as well as carbon release by fossil fuel burning and fires. The vertical lines show the one-sigma uncertainty (68% confidence interval) after the assimilation. These are calculated from the posterior covariance matrices, disregarding its temporal structure. All units are TgC/yr.
The labels denote:
- Ecosystem 1 (Conifer Forest)
- Ecosystem 2 (Broadleaf Forest: temperate, subtropical drought)
- Ecosystem 3 (Mixed Forest: conifer/broadleaf; so. Boreal)
- Ecosystem 5 (Tropical/subtr. Forest: montane)
- Ecosystem 8 (Field/Woods complex &/or Savanna, tallgrass)
- Ecosystem 10 (Forest/Field; Dry Evergreen broadleaf woods )
- Ecosystem 14 (Crop/Settlement (irrigated or not) )
- Ecosystem 4 (Grassland +/- Shrub or Tree)
- Ecosystem 6 (Scrub +/- Woodland &/or fields (evergreen/decid.) )
- Ecosystem 13 (Shrub/Tree: succulent/thorn )
Tundra/Taiga (= Tundra, Taiga, and Steppe):
- Ecosystem 7 (Semidesert shrub/steppe; Tundra (polar, alpine))
- Ecosystem 9 (Northern Boreal Taiga woodland/tundra)
- Ecosystem 16 (Wooded Tundra Margin; Heath/moorland)
The table summarizes averages with uncertainty of the data displayed in the figure. The total flux is the sum of the components in the table. Note that fossil fuel emissions can occur over any terrestrial land region, including non-optimized regions such as ice, polar deserts, and inland seas.